The definition and meaning of Ihram in the comprehensive dictionary of meanings

Ihram : (name)
Source Ihram
Ihram in Hajj or Umrah: (Fiqh) intention to enter in one, which requires abstaining from wearing sewn clothes, fishing, marriage, etiquette and other dress Ihram
Ihram : (name)
Ihram : Source Ihram
Ahram : (verb)
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Ihram / ihram b / ihram for haraam, ihraamah, it is haraam , and the object is haraam
A man is haraam: he enters the Haram, or the forbidden land, or in the sacred month, or in the sanctity of a covenant or a covenant
Ihram Bflan: He went down in his sanctuary to take care of him
I do not have the right to pray
I do not have the right to say something wrong

I do not have the right to do Hajj or Umrah
