Definition of ihraam

Ihram: Whoever is forbidden, which is prohibited and stressed, is haraam: against halal [1] .

And ihraam : The source of a man's haraam is haraam if he has the right to do Hajj or 'Umrah, and he begins with the reasons and conditions of removing the stitching, and avoiding the things that he forbade, such as good, hunting, hunting, and so on.
Umrah Package December 2017

And the origin of the prohibition, as if the mahram denied these things. The hadeeth is haraam to prevent the worshiper from doing so. Rather, it is called takbeer ihraam, ie ihraam by prayer.

And what is forbidden is that you should not violate it, and that it is haraam and haraam, and that it is haraam and haraam. And incest: what is not permissible astray [2] .

The ihraam is that entering into sanctity is not invalidated, and the ihraam of the pilgrim or the mumtum is forbidden to enter into a work that is haraam to him.


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